Animated Counter in React

Bakhtiyor Ganijon

3 min read


August 15, 2024 (2mo ago)


Animation insprited by this tweet by Sam Selikoff .

How it works

This animated counter component takes a number as input and animates the transition from 0 to that number. The animation is achieved using framer-motion, a popular animation library for React. Uses a spring and absolute positioning to smoothly animate digits as they change.


Here's the code for the animated counter component:

'use client';
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils';
import { MotionValue, motion, useSpring, useTransform } from 'framer-motion';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

// Constants for styling
const fontSize = 12;
const padding = 0;
const height = fontSize + padding;

// Utility function to format numbers with suffixes
const formatNumber = (
  num: number
): { formattedNumber: number; suffix: string } => {
  if (num >= 10 ** 9) {
    const formattedNumber = num / 10 ** 9;
    if (
      1000 >= Math.floor(formattedNumber) &&
      Math.floor(formattedNumber) > 100
    ) {
      return { formattedNumber: formattedNumber / 1000, suffix: 'T' };
    return { formattedNumber, suffix: 'B' };
  if (num >= 10 ** 6) {
    const formattedNumber = num / 10 ** 6;
    if (
      1000 >= Math.floor(formattedNumber) &&
      Math.floor(formattedNumber) > 100
    ) {
      return { formattedNumber: formattedNumber / 1000, suffix: 'B' };
    return { formattedNumber, suffix: 'M' };
  if (num >= 10 ** 3) {
    const formattedNumber = num / 10 ** 3;
    if (
      1000 >= Math.floor(formattedNumber) &&
      Math.floor(formattedNumber) > 100
    ) {
      return { formattedNumber: formattedNumber / 1000, suffix: 'M' };
    return { formattedNumber, suffix: 'K' };
  return { formattedNumber: num, suffix: '' };

function Counter({
  withZero = false,
}: { value: number; withZero?: boolean } & React.ComponentProps<'div'>) {
  const { formattedNumber, suffix } = formatNumber(value);

  const integerPart = Math.floor(formattedNumber);
  const decimalPart = Math.floor((formattedNumber - integerPart) * 10);

  return (
        'flex overflow-hidden items-end leading-none',
        .map((_, i) => (
            place={10 ** i}
              !withZero && integerPart= 0 ? 'opacity-0' : 'opacity-100'
      {decimalPart > 0 && (
            style={{ height, fontWeight: 'inherit' }}
            className="relative w-[0.4ch] tabular-nums leading-none text-left"
          <Digit place={1} value={decimalPart} />
      <Suffix suffix={suffix} />

function Digit({
}: {
  place: number;
  value: number;
  className?: string;
}) {
  let valueRoundedToPlace = Math.floor(value / place);
  let animatedValue = useSpring(valueRoundedToPlace);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [animatedValue, valueRoundedToPlace]);

  return (
      style={{ height, fontWeight: 'inherit' }}
        'relative w-[0.9ch] tabular-nums transition-opacity duration-500 ease-in-out',
      {[...Array(10)].map((_, i) => (
        <Number key={i} mv={animatedValue} number={i} />

function Number({ mv, number }: { mv: MotionValue; number: number }) {
  let y = useTransform(mv, (latest) => {
    let placeValue = latest % 10;
    let offset = (10 + number - placeValue) % 10;

    let memo = offset * height;

    if (offset > 5) {
      memo -= 10 * height;

    return memo;

  return (
      style={{ y, fontWeight: 'inherit' }}
      className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center"

const suffixes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B'];

function Suffix({ suffix }: { suffix: string }) {
  let suffixIndex = suffixes.indexOf(suffix);
  let animatedValue = useSpring(suffixIndex);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [animatedValue, suffixIndex]);

  return (
      style={{ height, fontWeight: 'inherit' }}
      className={`relative ${
        suffix= '' ? '!w-0' : 'w-[1.1ch]'
      } tabular-nums tracking-normal text-left`}
      {, i) => (
        <SuffixItem key={i} mv={animatedValue} suffix={suffixItem} index={i} />

function SuffixItem({
}: {
  mv: MotionValue;
  suffix: string;
  index: number;
}) {
  let y = useTransform(mv, (latest) => {
    let offset = (suffixes.length + index - latest) % suffixes.length;

    let memo = offset * height;

    if (offset > suffixes.length / 2) {
      memo -= suffixes.length * height;

    return memo;

  return (
      style={{ y, fontWeight: 'inherit' }}
      className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center"

export default Counter;


  • The Counter component takes a number as input and formats it with the appropriate suffix (K, M, B, etc.).
  • The Digit component handles the animation of individual digits. It uses the useSpring hook from framer-motion to animate the transition between numbers.
  • The Number component animates the movement of each digit based on the current value.
  • The Suffix component handles the animation of the suffix (K, M, B) based on the current value.
  • The animation is achieved by updating the MotionValue objects and using useTransform to calculate the position of each digit and suffix.


To use the animated counter component, simply import it and pass the desired number as a prop:

import Counter from '@/components/Counter';

function MyComponent() {
  return <Counter value={123456} />;

You can customize the appearance of the counter by passing additional props, such as withZero to show leading zeros.